Love the movies? Don’t just watch them. Be PART of them. 

The film industry in Oklahoma is looking to hire! 

The Cherokee Nation Film Office is proud to launch the first-ever directories of Native American cast, crew and consultants along with support services and locations in the Cherokee Nation. 

Nathalie Standingcloud signing up for the CNFO talent database in 2019

What is the CNFO talent directory?

The directory is a first-of-its-kind, all-inclusive source for productions looking to find Native American cast and crew in the film and television industries, and we want YOU to be in them! Citizens of federally recognized tribes can register in our database to display a headshot, professional credits and contact information so productions can consider hiring you.

Is there a need for Native talent?

Absolutely! Productions are hungry for new content, and the film industry is growing in Oklahoma. You could be hired as an actor, actress, or extra if you are listed in our talent directory. Just take it from these two Cherokee Nation citizens: Reese Henson and Nathalie Standingcloud. They signed up as Native talent in the CNFO directories during the 2019 Cherokee National Holiday, and both of them have been hired on local film productions. 

Recent Hires

This could be you!

Nathalie Standingcloud as the lead actress in “Totsu (Redbird)”

Standingcloud signed up to be part of the CNFO directory in 2019. She was hired in the summer of 2020 for a film production and is the lead actress in an upcoming Cherokee-written and -produced short film called “Totsu (Redbird).” She says, “Working on a film like ‘Totsu’ takes a team of passionate people determined to come together using their individual sets of skills or talents to help capture a story forever on film. As an actress who has performed both on stage and on camera, I feel that utilizing these art forms will be a key tool for passing down our Cherokee culture to the future generations. My hopes for the Cherokee Nation with film in the future is to overcome discrediting stereotypes of the past with new and true representations of our people.” 

Reese Henson as lead actress on set of “Idalena”

Henson, who signed up for the CNFO directory in 2019, was hired to be part of the short film “Idalena” where she portrays a young Cherokee girl with aspirations to be a filmmaker. Her involvement with the project allowed her to buy a computer for school. It’s just the beginning for Henson, and we’re happy to watch her career take shape.

Let productions know you would like to be hired! Be part of the movement, and help us change the narrative of Native people and culture in the film industry. We would love to have you sign up and more Natives in front of the camera, behind the camera, running the show and in the boardroom.

What do you need to sign up for the talent directory?

  • No experience required!
  • CDIB card from a federally recognized tribe 
  • Headshot 

Reese Henson’s headshot from when she signed up for the CNFO talent database in 2019

We are in an OPEN REGISTRATION phase of our directory and we invite you to sign up to add your profile. If you have received an email from us with a prior listing, you can now log in to update your profile.

Note: If you would like to sign up as talent AND crew, you will need to sign up separately for both directories. 

To sign up as Native talent: 

To sign up as Native crew: 

To sign up as a support service:  

To sign up as a consultant:

To access locations: CLICK HERE

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