Osiyo (Hello in Cherokee) to all our fellow film enthusiasts,
I and the Cherokee Nation Film Office team are thinking about you during this COVID-19 pandemic and hoping you and your families are staying safe and healthy. Like most of you, the CNFO team is working from home and practicing social distancing in an effort to help keep us all safe and healthy because we truly know we are in this together.
The Cherokee Nation, under the leadership of Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr. and Deputy Principal Chief Bryan Warner, has been monitoring the Center for Disease Control reports on the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. The Cherokee Nation’s priorities are the health and safety of citizens of northeastern Oklahoma, and many never-before actions are underway to #FlattentheCurve. Those quick actions include temporarily closing all museum locations and retail operations, suspending all casino and hotel operations and postponing Cherokee Nation-related events. All the information on temporary closings can be found through press releases on Anadisgoi.com, including a personal Chief Chat from Chief Hoskin.
I would like to thank you for your support as the CNFO continues working toward our goals during these trying times. I know that the filmmaking industry is being hit hard, but we will all come up with creative ways to get through this together. The CNFO is here for support. We, too, are moving forward and looking toward the future as we build our databases, help with future film projects, and keep you updated on future opportunities for education and work in the film industry. In fact, we’re working on a little something to help brighten the mood and your spirits –look for that announcement tomorrow. We hope you’ll join in!
I also hope you’ll continue to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to be a part of the conversation as we share film and television show suggestions that you can catch up on from the comfort of your home.
We’re all friends here, and I’m certainly wishing you good health and safety as we navigate this unprecedented time. We’re all in this together, Nigadv – ᏂᎦᏛ (all of us).
Wado (thank you in Cherokee),
Jennifer Loren, Cherokee Nation Film Office Director