Native American Virtual Pitch Fest – Sponsored by CNFO
Happening: Nov. 18, 2020 | Native American Virtual Pitch Fest is an online event featuring events open to the public to grow your TV writing career.
Happening: Nov. 18, 2020 | Native American Virtual Pitch Fest is an online event featuring events open to the public to grow your TV writing career.
Happening: Nov. 19, 2020 | The Cherokee Nation Film Office is proud to sponsor the Native American Audition Workshop and Actors Panel to provide valuable insight into breaking into the industry and sustaining one’s career in acting.
NOW CLOSED: Calling all Native high schoolers! Apply for this virtual workshop happening Dec. 14 - 15, 2020 to explore a career in animated film and television with hands-on learning and a virtual tour of Nickelodeon.
Happening: Dec. 7 – 11, 2020 | The Cherokee Nation Film Office is proud to sponsor the Native American Virtual Animation Lab, a competitive entry, intensive five-day workshop that prepares Native Americans for careers in animated film, television and new media.
Behind the scenes in Arizona with Mark Williams. Choctaw Nation citizen Mark Williams is an award-winning filmmaker who started out small, learning storytelling skills as a child from his father, and then taking those skills all the way to the big screen. Williams now owns his own production company and has produced, edited [...]
CREW + CASTING CALL FOR PBS KIDS VIDEO PROJECT JoJX Production Co. | Directed by Rafa A PBS project is looking to hire a Native Director of Photography for a PBS Kids educational campaign. The DP must have children between the ages of 3-9 years old who will be actors in the videos. SYNOPSIS: [...]
Certification courses offered through the Oklahoma Film & TV Academy TAHLEQUAH, Okla.— Cherokee Nation Film Office is helping develop Native talent in the film and television industry by offering 50 new scholarships for certification courses with the Oklahoma Film & TV Academy. Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr. announced the scholarship opportunities at the [...]
Happening: Fall/Winer 2020 | CNFO is proud to sponsor the 2nd Annual Native Writers Room which brings together a collection of experienced Native American television writers to foster a new and genuine approach to portraying Native Americans in media. The room will result in a new series produced by the Native writers and will be transformative.
Cherokee Nation citizen Emma Barrow grew up in Portland, Oregon, watching her father, Bruce Barrow, working in the film industry. Her father was an editor, producer and director for Oregon Public Broadcasting and PBS. He planted a seed in Emma that filmmaking was a career she could pursue, and she took action. "Cover Me" [...]
Love the movies? Don't just watch them. Be PART of them. The film industry in Oklahoma is looking to hire! The Cherokee Nation Film Office is proud to launch the first-ever directories of Native American cast, crew and consultants along with support services and locations in the Cherokee Nation. Nathalie Standingcloud signing up for [...]