Incredible Native American Talent Come Together to Develop A New Groundbreaking Television Series

That’s a wrap for four Native writers tasked with creating a groundbreaking TV series focused on Native themes and characters. It’s all part of the 2nd Annual Native American Writers Room, sponsored by the Cherokee Nation Film Office, a program which brings together four writers in an experimental writers room to address the lack of [...]

By |2021-01-05T14:06:31-06:00December 24, 2020|Blog, Latest News|

Celebrities and a worldwide audience come out for the Will Rogers Motion Picture Festival

That’s a wrap! Amid a global pandemic, the 2nd annual Will Rogers Motion Picture Festival celebrates a successful four-day virtual event featuring much-loved celebrities, new films and a broad audience. The Cherokee Nation Film Office is a proud presenting sponsor honoring the legacy of Cherokee Nation citizen Will Rogers. If you aren’t familiar with Rogers, [...]

By |2020-11-13T14:14:54-06:00November 13, 2020|Latest News|

Get Discovered by Film Productions: Sign up for the CNFO Native Talent Directory!

Love the movies? Don't just watch them. Be PART of them.  The film industry in Oklahoma is looking to hire!  The Cherokee Nation Film Office is proud to launch the first-ever directories of Native American cast, crew and consultants along with support services and locations in the Cherokee Nation.  Nathalie Standingcloud signing up for [...]

By |2020-10-01T09:43:14-05:00September 18, 2020|Blog, Latest News|

Native Writers Chosen for Prestigious Workshop to Take Their Careers to the Next Level

Meet the Fellows: LA Skins Feature Film Writers Lab There’s magic happening in the virtual writing room! Seven talented Native writers are participating in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and have the chance to propel their careers by taking part in the highly selective Third Annual Native American Feature Film Writers Lab. It’s an intensive 10 weeks [...]

By |2020-10-01T09:42:21-05:00September 11, 2020|Latest News|

Be Part of Vision Maker Media’s First Indigenous Online Film Festival for FREE

Don’t miss out on this five-week #nativefilm watch party! A celebration of Indigenous film and inspiring Indigenous filmmakers will be hitting your virtual screens in Vision Maker Media’s First Indigenous Online Film Festival. More than 30 films will be screened and important discussions will take place from August 31 to October 5, 2020. That’s five [...]

By |2020-08-13T13:27:44-05:00August 7, 2020|Latest News|

Inaugural Prestigious List to Highlight Indigenous Work

Submit yours for consideration!  Three powerhouse forces are joining together to showcase and amplify Indigenous talent and stories, which is right up the Cherokee Nation Film Office’s alley of increasing the presence of Native Americans at every level of the film and television industries. It’s called The Indigenous List, and its purpose is to promote [...]

By |2020-08-13T13:27:53-05:00July 31, 2020|Latest News|

Indigenous Filmmakers Find New, Creative Ways To Tell Their Stories Amidst a Global Pandemic

The show must go on! Life has been turned upside down because of the coronavirus, to say the least, and the same rings true for film. For Native filmmakers, one new challenge during COVID-19 is producing and maintaining authenticity in storytelling. With major productions on hold and many filmmakers now working from home, new creative [...]

By |2020-07-24T11:14:09-05:00July 24, 2020|Latest News|

LA Skins TV Writer’s Lab Fellows

This could be the gamechanger! Talk about an exciting time for eight Native writers, including a Cherokee Nation citizen, who aspire to have their screenplays morph into a TV series. It could soon be a reality. The writers just finished taking part in the 5th Annual Native American TV Writers Lab, an intensive and [...]

By |2020-07-03T18:56:35-05:00July 3, 2020|Latest News|

Spotlight: Tulsa Filmmaker Selected to be Mentored by Award-Winning Director

One thing we love at the Cherokee Nation Film Office is to see #MoreNatives in film. We also love success stories. Kyle Bell (Muscogee), who is a director, camera operator and editor, is paving the way to his own success story. Kyle Bell editing an Emmy-Award winning show from his home during COVID-19. [...]

By |2020-08-13T13:28:06-05:00May 15, 2020|Latest News|
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