Make a movie from your smartphone. Win Prizes. 

Hi there! We hope you and your families are all safe and healthy and practicing social distancing as much as possible. As we all work to get through the COVID-19 pandemic, the Cherokee Nation Film Office, along with our sponsors Oklahoma Film and Music Office, and Tulsa Office of Film Music Arts & Culture would like to offer our fellow Oklahomans a break from all the stress, with a chance to make your own movie! Try something new and involve the whole family or your roommates in a movie-making adventure from the comfort of your own home. Venture into comedy, horror, drama – the sky’s the limit! All you need is a smartphone and some creativity. You could win a $300 Visa gift card, a trophy and OklaHomie bragging rights for life!

The OklaHomies Short Film Contest is now open. Send us your films in either the “Short Short” category of movies 60 seconds and under, or the “Shorts” category of movies one to five minutes in length.

Never made a film before? That’s perfect! This is about having fun and learning new skills as well. Tune into our social media for movie-making app tutorials on how to get started. We’re looking forward to seeing what you create!

Contest details are below and can also be found HERE.


⏰ Films are due Wednesday, April 8, by 10 p.m. CST

✔︎ Online voting for Fan Favorites ends April 12, at 10 p.m. CST

? Winners will be announced online and on social media Monday, April 13 at 4 p.m. CST

Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place in both categories:
Short Short entries and Shorts entries.

1st place: $300 Visa gift card and a trophy
2nd place: $200 Visa gift card and a trophy
3rd place: $100 Visa gift card and a trophy
Fan favorite: Trophy

Short Short:
1st place: $100 Visa gift card and a trophy
2nd place: $75 Visa gift card and a trophy
3rd place: $50 Visa gift card and a trophy
Fan favorite: Trophy

*Films will be judged by a panel of nine experienced film producers and directors from Oklahoma.

*Fan Favorite will be voted on via Woobox.


  • All films must be family friendly. Any films containing inappropriate language will not be screened.
  • Films are mandated to begin with OklaHomies slate which can be downloaded HERE.
  • All OklaHomies participants must live in the state of Oklahoma and all films must be recorded here as well.
  • Films should be no longer than five minutes total running time, including required OklaHomies contest slates.
  • Films 60 seconds or less should be submitted as “Short Shorts.”
  • Films between one and five minutes in length should be submitted as “Shorts.”
  • Film entries must be recorded between Wednesday, March 25, 2020, and Wednesday, April 8, 2020.
  • **ALL films must include at least one of the following: hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes, toilet paper or hand washing**
  • Films should be shot and edited from smartphones only.
  • Films will be judged by a team of nine judges.
  • In submitting your film, you acknowledge the possibility of your work being shared universally from various social media platforms.
  • Films are due Wednesday, April 8, by 10 p.m. CST.
  • Contestants may post their finished films on social media upon completion, but they MUST include the required OklaHomie slate and include #OklaHomieContest and #OkieFilm. Entrants who don’t include the required OklaHomies slate will be disqualified.
  • All music and images must follow Federal copyright laws.
  • Employees of Cherokee Nation Businesses are eligible—and encouraged—to participate, but are not eligible to win prizes.
  • Have fun!

#OklaHomieContest #OkieFilm #OklaHomies #FilmShortShorts

Submit your finished film HERE.